Hungarian police with Hänsch for the first time
Ten full-electric BMW iX3 police cars
As part of a ceremonial handover, the Hungarian police have put a total of ten patrol cars based on the all-electric BMW iX3 into service in front of the police headquarters in Budapest in recent days. The new vehicles were presented in a media-effective manner.
This is the first time that a complete Hänsch system solution has been used by the police in Hungary. The equipment of the iX3 includes: our DBS4000 light bar system (blue/red) with full matrix display front/rear and alley lights, the Sputnik Flat mobile LED warning system (blue; windscreen), the Sputnik mini LED warning system (blue; tailgate), the TFA 724 tone sequence system with two DKL 604 and the HBE 300 S hand-held control unit.
In cooperation with the Hänsch Sales Partner Dnd Telecom Center Kft. from Budapest and the police, a customized control panel configuration for the HBE 300 S was developed. This made it possible to realize menu navigation in Hungarian and many country-specific features (including Yelp, Wail, Hilo, Piercer, Airhorn and various text displays). The vehicles were built by BMW.
We are very pleased with the successful completion of this project and would like to thank for excellent cooperation.
Pictures: Dnd Telecom / Krisztián Pállya –